NSF GRFP Info Session and Q&A eid# 34

September 19, 2023
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


This will be an information session and Q&A with NSF GRFP Program Officer Sally O'Connor. There will be a short presentation about the GRFP, followed by time for questions from the audience. This info session is part of the BSA's GRFP workshop; participants in the workshops are encouraged to attend, but the event is open to anyone considering applying for the GRFP.

To register click here.

Flyer for event for Students  Flyer for event for Mentors

Click the above images for a full view of these flyers. Use the QR codes to apply to the program.
Deadline to apply for students, or show interest for mentors, is September 8, 2023

Contact information:

Fee: Free

Categorized in:

  • Professional Development (workshop or webinar)
  • Early Career Professional Development Committee
Botany360 is a community event calendar that highlights events happening during the 360 days outside of the Botany Conferences. Do you want to add your event to the calendar? Email aneely@botany.org for more information.


All Times Eastern Time Zone.