
Meetings | Northeastern Section

2020 Joint Field Meeting: BSA NE Section, Torrey Botanical Society, and Philadelphia Botanical Club

Contributed by aneely on Apr 08, 2020 - 09:09 AM

Picture 0 for 2020 Joint Field Meeting: BSA NE Section, Torrey Botanical Society, and Philadelphia Botanical Club

2020 Joint Field Meeting of the:

Botanical Society of America, Northeastern Section
Torrey Botanical Society and Philadelphia Botanical Club

June 9-13, 2020 (Tuesday to Saturday)
Bruce Peninsula, Ontario
Evergreen Resort, 139 Resort Rd, (Red Bay),
South Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada N0H 2T0

Each year the Botanical Society of America, the Torrey Botanical Society, and the Philadelphia Botanical Club sponsor a field meeting in northeastern North America. Those attending the 2020 meeting will explore the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario and will be housed at the Evergreen Resort.

The narrow Bruce Peninsula is a continuation of the Niagara Escarpment; dolomitic limestone capping rock separates the calm sandy shores of Lake Huron from the rugged cliffs above Georgian Bay. Above these sharp cliffs lie flat dry plains called alvars, where unusual plants cope with harsh conditions. Nearby in depressions are calcareous fens, and boreal forests of balsam fir, cedar and birch. The diversity of orchids and unique habitat-specialist plants is remarkable. This is one of the world's prime areas for field botany.