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Plant Science Bulletin archiveIssue: 1987 v33 No 1 Spring
PLANT SCIENCE BULLETINA Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. THOMAS N. TAYLOR, Editor Department of Botany, Ohio State University, 1735 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43210 (614) 422-3564 Editorial Board The Plant Science Bulletin is published six times a year, February, April, June, August, October and December. Change of address should be sent to the Business Manager, Botanical Society of America, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210. (ISSN 0032-0919) April 1987 Volume 33 No. 1 BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICAThe annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America will be held on the campus of The Ohio State University, August 9-13, 1987. This year the program is a full one with a multimedia presentation, field trips, workshops, contributed papers, posters and symposia. Symposia include:
Registration materials will be sent to all members of the Botanical Society of America. If additional materials are needed please contact me. Also don't forget to advance register for the Botanical Society of America banquet on Wednesday evening. See you in Columbus. Thomas N. Taylor Program Director 1987 Young Botanist Recognition AwardThe Botanical Society of America again requests nominations for worthy candidates for the Young Botanist Recognition Program for 1987. The Society desires to offer individual recognition to outstanding graduating seniors in the plant sciences, and to encourage their participation in the Botanical Society of America. Successful nominees each receive a Certificate of Recognition, signed by the President of the Society, and forwarded to the nominating faculty members' chairperson for presentation. Nominations from faculty members, accompanied by appropriate documentation, should be sent to Dr. Harry T. Horner, Department of Botany, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. Nominations must be received by May 1, 1987. Summer Field Courses 1987 - Mountain Lake Biological StationFirst Term: (June 14-July 18)Ornithology: Kerry and Patricia Rabenold (Purdue University); Plant-Animal Interactions: Steven N. Handel (Rutgers University), Earl D. McCoy (University of South Florida); Plant Taxonomy: Spencer Tomb (Kansas State University); Workshop in Allozyme Techniques: Charles R. Wert (University of Kansas). Second Term (Jul 19-August 22)Community Ecology: Norman L. Christensen (Duke University), Henry Wilbur (Duke University); Mammalogy: Gordon L. Kirkland, Jr. (Shippensburg University); Plant Population Biology: Keith Garbutt (Harvard University). Scholarships Available: Service Awards for students covering room and board costs. Scholarships which provide financial assistance. Postdoctoral Research Awards (10 weeks). For further information and application, write to: Dr. Blain J. Cole, Director, Mountain Lake Biological Station, - Rm. B-64 Gilmer Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901. 1 RECOGNITIONMissouri Botanical Garden Director Dr. Peter H. Raven has been elected home secretary of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), effective July 1, 1987, through June 30, 1991. Raven's election was one of six offices filled recently by the 1,500-voting member Academy. As home secretary, Raven will oversee membership affairs and will also serve as principal administrative officer for the Academy Council. POSITIONSMolecular BiologistRecent Ph.D. graduates (no more than two years post) to join current group working on problems of quality and stability during storage of light-processed fruits and vegetables. Positions temporary (not to exceed three years). Position at the USDA, ARS, SAA, Citrus & Substropical Products Laboratory, P.O. Box 1901, Winer Haven, FL 33883. Research candidate would be responsible for research to genetically engineer citrus fruit to control expression of the high temperature stable enzyme, pectinesterase (FC3.1.1.11). Candidate should be experience in gene identification, gene cloning, and cell transformation. Salary range $23,000-28,000 with fringe benefits, depending upon experience and recency of doctorate. Contact: Dr. Robert E. Berry or Dr. Joseph H. Bruemmer at 813-293-4133. Plant PhysiologistThe Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, is searching for a Plant Physiologist with a research interest in the regulation of photosynthate allocation at the molecular/biochemical level. The position will be filled as an eleven-month, tenure-track appointment at the Assistant, Associate, or full Professor level on or after July 1, 1987. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Plant Physiology or related field; experience will determine the rank and level of the position. We are looking for the most qualified individual who will establish a strong, unique research program. The applicant must have a research commitment to the study of the regulation of photosynthate allocation at the molecular/biochemical level with emphasis on the study of oil and/or natural product deposition and accumulation in crop plants or potential crop plants. The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to the departmental teaching program. While the position will involve primarily research, some undergraduate and graduate teaching, including directing students in the departmental graduate programs, will be required. Relevant information, including a curriculum vit°ae, a statement of research interest, and at least three confidential letters of recommendation should be sent to: Dr. Irwin P. Ting, Chairman, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 by April 1, 1987, or later if a suitable candidate has not been selected. University of California, Riverside is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities and women are especially encouraged to apply. CONFERENCESFourth US-Japan Seminar on Plant Growth HormonesThe Fourth US-Japan Seminar on Plant Growth Hormones was held in Honolulu, Hawaii December 15-19, 1986. Taking as its theme "The Hormonal Regulation of Plant Cell Growth", this conference revived a series that began in 1966, met every three years (Kyoto, Michigan, Kyoto) until 1972, then remained dormant from 1972 until its 1986 revival. Each country was represented by seven official panelists and several additional "observers" who participated in all ways, but received only token financial support. As before, this Seminar was financed by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through respective grants to Arthur W. Galston (Yale University) and Yoshio Masuda (Osaka City University). Other U.S. participants were Daniel Cosgrove (Pennsylvania State University, Michael Evans (Ohio State University), Tom Guilfoyle (University of Missouri), T. H. David Ho (Washington University), Mark Jacobs (Swarthmore College) and Lincoln Taiz (University of California at Santa Cruz). U.S. observers included J. Eugene Fox (ARCO Plant Cell Research Institute), Barbara Siegel, in charge of local arrangements, (Pacific Biomedical Research Institute, University of Hawaii) and Sanford M. Siegel (University of Hawaii). The Japanese delegation included Hidemasa Imaseki (Nagoya University), Masayuki Katsumi (International Christian University), Shigo Sakai (Saitama University), Naoki Sakurai (Hiroshima University), Hiroh Shibaoka (Osaka University) and Go Takeba (Kyoto Prefectural University). Japanese observers included Kimiharu Ishizawa (Tohoku University), Seiichiro Kamisaka (Osaka City University), and Ryoichi Yamamoto (Tekuzayama Junior College). The first session dealt with hormone binding proteins and molecular modes of hormone action. Included were presentations on cytokinin-binding proteins (Fox), auxin-binding proteins (Sakai), auxin-transport carrier (Jacobs), auxin-induced ethylene-producing enzymes (Imaseki). gibberellin-regulated gene expression (Ho) and hormonal effects on cortical microtubules (Shibaoka). Presentations on the second day included physiological effects of polyamines (Galston), endosperm effects on coleoptile growth (Kamisaka), control mechanisms in lettuce seed germination (Takeba), stress analyses of plant cell walls (Cosgrove) and gibberellin-induced sugar analyses of plant cell walls (Cosgrove) and gibberellin-induced sugar changes (Katsumi). In the final session, Masuda, Taiz and Sakurai analyzed chemical and mechanical changes in cell walls during growth, and Evans analyzed effects of calcium and aluminum on gravitropism and auxin transport in roots. A half-day trip by bus to the northwest corner of Oahu permitted a visit to Waimea Falls Park, a richly planted arboretum and botanical garden, at which indigenous form of folk art, including the hula, were presented. A final banquet included Hawaiian style presentations of traditional Christmas and indigenous music by a local cultural group. Well satisfied that the Conference had revitalized a worthwhile international event, the delegates chose Shibaoka (Japan) and Evans, Jacobs and Taiz (U.S. to formulate plans for the future. Plant Developmental Biology Meeting - June 21, 1987A one-day meeting on plant developmental biology will be held at the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota on June 21, 1987. There will be two symposia: "Cell-Cell Interactions in Development" (Ann Hirsch - Plant microbial interactions; Daniel Walker - Plant-self interactions: Grafting and epidermal fusion; Peter Asher - Plant-self inter-actions; Self incompatibility; Linda Goff - Plant-plant interactions: Plant parasites) and "Development of Embryos and Apices" (Richard Greyson - In vitro vs. in vivo analysis of shoot apical meristems; Ian Sussex - In vitro vs. in vivo analysis of embryogenesis; Scott Poethig - Mutants in the analysis of embryos and apices; Elizabeth Lord - 2 Organogenesis: Measuring shape changes). In the evening there will be a workshop on developmentalgenetics. Application forms will be in the Spring issue of the Plant Developmental Biology Newsletter. Contact: Carl N. McDaniel, Department of Biology, Cogswell Lab., R.P.I., Troy, NY 12180. This one-day meeting will be followed by the three-day annual meeting of the Society for Develop-mental Biology organized by Joseph Varner. The symposium entitled "Self-Assembling Architecture" will look at the role of self-assembly an morphogenesis in a variety of organisms with about half of the speakers discussing plants. Expansive Growth of Cells is Subject of Penn State Symposium"Physiology of Cell Expansion During Plant Growth" is the theme of the Second Annual Penn State Symposium in Plant Physiology. This symposium, organized and hosted by the Penn State Intercollege Graduate Program in Plant Physiology, will be held at The Pennsylvania State University May 21-23, 1987. The symposium will focus on the physiological processes and controls involved in cell enlargement. Four sessions have been organized around the topics: (1) Mechanics and Biochemistry of Irreversible Wall Expansion; (2) Transport of Water and Solutes; (3) Studies of Growing Systems and Specific Responses: and (4) Molecular and Genetic Approaches to Studies of Cell Expansion. For more information, contact: Daniel Cosgrove, 202 Buckhout Laboratory, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802. Phone (814) 863-3892. Gordon Research ConferenceGordon Research Conference on CO Fixation by Green Plants, July 6-10, 1987, at Plymouth State College, Plymouth, New Hampshire. See the first March issue of Science for program and application information, or contact Dr. Gerald Edwards, Botany Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706. Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way ManagementThe Fourth International Symposium on Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management is scheduled for October 25-28, 1987 at the Union Station, Indianapolis, Indiana. It will address environmental issues of concern in planning, routing, construction, and maintenance of electric, pipeline, railroad and highway rights-of-way. For further information, contact W. R. Byrnes, Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (Phone: 317/494-3590). In Canada, direct inquiries to W. S. Scott, Ontario Hydro, 700 University Avenue (H8E14), Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 (Phone: 416/592-3976). Papers and posters will be presented; a proceedings will be published. Systematics SymposiumThe Thirty-Fourth Annual Systematics Symposium is scheduled for October 9-10, 1987, at the Missouri Botanical Garden and will cover the topic "Macro-molecular Approaches to Phylogeny." Technologically we have reached a level of sophistication that now allows us to analyze genomes directly. Through this new technology we will be able to address fundamental questions of evolution and phylogeny with more precision than at any other time in history. This symposium will concentrate on the information that nucleic acids can provide for phylogenetic analysis. The speakers are as follows: Elizabeth A. Zimmer (Louisiana State University), "Applications of nucleic acid studies to plant systematics"; Jeffrey D. Palmer (University of Michigan), "Chloroplast DNA and angiosperm phylogeny"; Leslie Gottlieb (University of California-Davis), "Molecular genetics and plant evolutionary biology"; Kenneth J. Sytsma (University of Wisconsin-Madison), "DNA and morphology: A comparison of the Onagraceae"; Barbara Schaal (Washington University), "DNA variation at the population level in plants"; Martin Kreitman (Princeton University), "DNA variation at the populational level in Drosophila"; Evening Speaker: Charles G. Sibley (San Francisco State University), "Constructing phylogeny from DNA comparisons." The registration fee is $35.00 ($30.00 students). For more informa- tion write to: Systematics Symposium, Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299, phone (314) 577-5167. International Conference on Lowland HeathsAn international conference on lowland heaths is planned for May 5-7, 1988, on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. The meeting will seek to explore the extent, origins, development, management, and conservation of lowland heaths in North America. The conference will emphasize the influence of human land use history on all phases of heath ecology. We plan to publish the conference proceedings. Nantucket Island, some 30 miles off the cost of New England, supports some of the best developed and preserved heaths in eastern North America. Field trips on Nantucket are planned, both before and after the conference. The meeting will be hosted by the University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station. It is sponsored by the American Society for Environmental Education and co-sponsored by the Nantucket Conservation Foundation and the Massachusetts Audubon Society. At present, researchers from Britain, Atlantic Canada, and the United States have expressed interest in attending and presenting papers. British and European participants are especially welcome, as their extensive experience with heath associations will aid comparatively recent attempts to understand the ecology of rare North American heaths. Interested persons wishing further information should contact the conference chairman, Dr. Wesley N. Tiffney, Jr., University of Massachusetts, Nantucket Field Station, P.O. Box 756, Nantucket, MA 02554, USA. Telephone: 617-228-5288. Symposium on Abiotic PollinationA full day symposium consisting of 30 minute talks, poster sessions, and panel discussion, is tentatively planned for 1989. The symposium will treat the issue of abiotic pollination (anemophily, hydrophily, and gravity-pollination) from a variety of perspectives (evolution, ecology, population, genetics, biophysics, meterorology). Prospective participants are asked to submit a brief description of their work to the organizing committee. An emphasis on new experimental research and hypothesis-testing is encouraged. Panel discussants will be invited to address issues such as the random versus non-random nature of abiotic pollination, selective pressures leading to abiotic pollination, phenology of pollen release and capture, and the ecological significance of anemophily and hydropholy. If you or your students are interested in participating, please write to Mary E. Barkworth, Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322-4500 or Karl Niklas, Section of Plant Biology, Plant Science Building, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-5908. 3 Short Course on Paleoecological MethodsThe Paleobotanical Section will be offering a short course on paleoecological methods Sunday, August 9, 1987 from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. The course will be practically oriented, stressing the identification of paleoecological problems and questions, and finding appropriate methods for gathering and analyzing the data to solve them. There will be a $5.00 enrollment fee to cover the cost of reproducing a set of short course notes for each attendee. If you are interested in attending, please send a $5.00 check made out to: William DiMichele, Paleoecology Short Course, MRC 164, Natural History Building, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. EXHIBITION"Flowers of the Amazon: Watercolors by Margaret Mee", The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation at Carnegie Margaret Mee of Brazil. Organized by the Missouri Botanical Garden, this is Mee's first one-person exhibition in the United States. For over thirty years, English-born Mee--who is well known for her published illustrations of bromeliads--has been painting the flora of the Amazon. Open to the public free of charge, the exhibition will be on display from 17 April until 13 June in the Institute's gallery on the fifth floor of the Hunt Library building from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For further information, contact the Institute at 268-2434. Fellowship Awards for Training and Research 1987-88The Project on African Agriculture: Crisis and Transformation, sponsored by the Joint Committee on African Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council, aims to establish a framework for interdisciplinary analysis - particularly involving natural and social scientists - of the agricultural crisis in Africa. Through a program of fellowship activities organized around strategically selected substantive issues, the project seeks to develop new concepts and methods and the skills and resources needed to apply them to analysis of the biological, socioeconomic and historical processes which affect agricultural performance in Africa. The project has selected access, control and use of resources as its focal theme for activities during the fellowship program's first year, 1987-88. The typical fellowship award will provide up to $15,000 for support of activities during a period of 3 to 12 months. Fellowship support may be given for: (1) Activities which will assist fellows in developing research projects and proposals, including travel to libraries, literature searches, collection of bibliographic materials, visits to potential field sites, pilot studies, contacts with other researchers, and participation in workshops; (2) activities which will assist fellows in analyzing and writing up research results, including consultation with other researchers, participation in workshops to discuss preliminary findings, support for short periods of write-up and participation in conferences to present and assess research results; (3) activities designed to provide specialized training needed to undertake particular kinds of research. Individual African researchers and research teams comprised of African and non-African researchers in the following categories are eligible to apply: (1) mid-career scholars based in universities or research institutes; (2) individuals who have recently received graduate degrees (M.A., Ph.D., 3rd Cycle Doctorate or equivalent degrees); (3) professional in governmental posts (e.g., ministries of agriculture) or other applied research settings. The project particularly encourages proposals for collaborative activities between natural and social scientists. Two cohorts of fellows will be selected during 1987 for the 1987-88 program. The first cohort of fellows will be selected in May; the second cohort will be selected in September. For additional information about the fellowship program and application procedures, as well as details on other areas of support provided by the project, write to: Fellowship Program, Project on African Agriculture, Social Science Research Council, 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158. George Robert White Medal of Honor AwardThe highest award of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society and one of the most prestigious awards in the horticultural community, the George Robert White Medal of Honor, has been bestowed by the trustees of the Society to Chicago Botanic Garden Director Roy L. Taylor, Ph.D. Dr. Taylor, who also serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Chicago Horticultural Society, joints a distinguished group of recipients dating back to 1909 and including such illustrious horticulturalists as Ernest Henry Wilson, Liberty Hyde Bailey, Gertrude Jekyll, Captain F. Kingdom Ward, Frederick Law Olmstead and Donald Wyman. The presentation of the George Robert White Medal of Honor was made at the annual Patron's Dinner held recently in Boston at the Wellesley College Club. Dr. Taylor was cited for his continuing contributions to the development of public horticulture. After spending nearly six years at the Plant Research Institute of Canada Agriculture in Ottawa where he served as Chief of Taxonomy and Economic Botany Section, he moved to Vancouver as Director of a new Botanical Garden department at the University of British Columbia. Form 1968 to 1985. Dr. Taylor developed a new botanical garden program encompassing 110 acres of the campus. He was responsible for the development of "horticulture as therapy" programs for British Columbia, the initiation of television and radio communications for horticulture, the establishment of the journal Davidsonia and the development of a new cooperative program with the nursery industry and landscape architects for the introduction of plants to the public. During his period at the University of British Columbia, he also published the first resource inventory of vascular plants of British Columbia and co-authored the rare vascular plants of British Columbia. He served as Professor in the Department of Plant Sciences in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and in the Department of Botany in the Faculty of Science. In September 1985, he joined the Chicago Horticultural Society and the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe, Illinois. Dr. Taylor has served as President of the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Aboreta, the Canadian Botanical Association, and the Biological Council of Canada. He served as Secretary-Treasurer of the International Association of Botanical Gardens, Chairman of the Canadian National Committee of the Pacific Science Association and currently serves as Chairman of the Accreditation Commission for the American Association of Museums. Dr. Taylor was elected a fellow, honoris causa, of the Linnean Society of London, an honorary fellow of the British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects and warded the Oueen's Silver Jubilee Medal for contributions to Canadian science. The Chicago Botanic Garden is located on property owned by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois. the Botanic Garden is managed by the Chicago Horticultural Society. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTSCouncil on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries schedules Organizational MeetingThe council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries is planning a special business meeting during the International Botanical Congress in Berlin in July 1987. A major objective of the meeting is to organize a European chapter. CBHL invites all interested in botanical documentation to attend. It is anticipated that the meeting will follow the scheduled Symposium on Electronic Data Processing in Botany, and be followed by a dinner. The Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries was established in 1970 to encourage communication among individuals and institutions concerned with the botanical and horticultural literature. The present 250 members represent the United States and ten other countries around the world. For more information please contact the president, Mrs. Geraldine C. Kaye, Farlow Library, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138 USA. Kampong Center for Study in Subtropical Botany and HorticultureThe Kampong, former home and garden of plant explorer David Fairchild, is situated in Coconut Grove, Florida, just a few miles south of Miami along the shores of Biscayne Bay. The present owner, Mrs. Edward C. Sweeney, has gifted the property to the Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden, although she maintains a life estate. The gift has been given in trust under a Board of Trustees established with the formal name, The Kampong Fund. The garden, plantings, and buildings will be used as a research and education facility specializing in the plants of the subtropics under the operating name, The Kampong Center for Study in Subtropical Botany and Horticulture. Presently, it is possible to use the grounds and residences for small meetings in botany and horticulture and in subject matter areas related to these disciplines. The purpose of this note is to inform interested persons that professional groups are encouraged to meet for scientific purposes on The Kampong grounds. There is bedroom space for up to eight persons (the number of available spaces will vary) and as many as 16 persons may be accommodated for meetings. Restaurants are available conveniently within a mile or two in Coconut Grove and there are motel facilities along US 1 about four miles distant. Organizations desiring to use facilities of The Kampong for meetings should write to me for approval and to explain the purpose of the meeting, areas of interest of attendees, approximate numbers of participants, and date(s) and length of the proposed meeting. If approved professionally, arrangements with respect to time and available space will have to be made with Mrs. Sweeney. Further information will be provided for approved meetings. William Louis Stern Department of Botany University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Funds for ResearchFinancial support for researchers is available from the Foundation for Field Research for projects that can be appropriately funded and assisted by volunteer teams in the field. Funding is not limited by geographical area or discipline, although the project must consist of basic field research. Proposals must be submitted at least a year in advance of the project dates, and should follow the requirements outlined in "Guidelines for Field Research Funding," available upon request from the Foundation. For additional information about the Foundation and about funding, call (619) 445-9264 or write: Foundation for Field Research, 787 South Grade Rd., Alpine, CA 92001. IN MEMORIAMLaurence H. MacDaniels, familiarly known as Dr. Mac, was born in Fremont, Ohio, on October 21, 1888, and died at home in Ithaca June 18, 1986. He was 97 years old. Before Dr. MacDaniels graduated from Oberiln College in 1912, he visited Ithaca as a member of Oberlin's championship football team. In the fall of 1912 he entered graduate studies at Cornell University, the first year holding an assistantship with the farm course in the department of entomology, the next year as assistantship in botany. From 1914 to 1917 he was an instructor in botany, and he received his doctorate degree in 1917. During World War I Dr. MacDaniels worked as a member of the botanical raw products committee of the National Research Council and the Bureau of Aircraft Production where his technical knowledge of wood structure enabled him to provide guidance and assistance in the selection of woods that are structurally sound and could be used for propellers and other aircraft parts. From 1919 to 1940 he served first as assistant professor then as professor of pomology at Cornell. He taught and conducted research on basic aspects of pollination of applies, tree wounds and bracing, and on the anatomical aspects of pollination and of flower and fruit abscissions. During that time he took two sabbatical leaves, first from 1919 to 1921 to do relief work with Armenian refugees in Turkey, working through the auspices of the American Committee for Relief in the Near East, later to become associated with the Bishop Museum of Honolulu to make a botanical survey of the distribution of the fe'i banana as it related to Polynesian migration. In 1949 he continued his survey in newly opened areas such as Caledonia, the New Hebrides, and Canton Island. He collected many plants during those trips, which were given the Bailey Hortorium at Cornell. In 1940 he was named head of the department of floriculture and ornamental horticulture, during which time he added or strengthened courses in horticulture taxonomy, plant propagation, and landscape design. He fostered research in the breeding of woody ornamentals, applied basic approaches in physiology and anatomy to areas of propagation and nursery management, and encouraged research in economics and the marketing of florist products as well as in the physiological aspects of flower storage for florists and nurseries. He wrote numerous scientific articles and bulletins and, with A. J. Eames, wrote the text of An Introduction to Plant Anatomy. Other of his publication topics were: apple trees, fruit bud formation, pollination, pruning, plant anatomy, the effects of sulphur on the germination of pollen and fruit set, fruit in tropical climates, the effects of various maintenance procedures on fruits and plant tissues, nut growing, winter injury, tree bracing and wound treatment, abscission, effects of bactericides and fungicides, lilies, black walnut toxicity, the fe'i banana and its distribution, organic gardening, conservation, bouganvillia varieties, compost, and many others. He was a member of many honorary and professional societies including the Cornell chapters of Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, Phi Kappa Phi and Pi Alpha Xi. He was also a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Society for Horticultural Society from 1938 to 1946 and president of the American Society for Horticultural Science in 1940. 5 He was a member of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, the Botanical Society of America and the American Society of Naturalists. He was president of the Northern Nut Growers Association in 1951; helped found the North American Lily Society in 1947 and served as its first president from 1947-1949, and again from 1955 to 1957. He was a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society of London. He retired, officially, in 1956. In 1979 a seminar room in the Plant Science building at Cornell was named after him. The early part of 1964 he served as technical adviser for fruit crops on the Montanta State University team at Matzcuao, Michoacan, in Mexico, where he helped establish an experimental and demonstration station with special emphasis on temperate zone fruits. In 1966 he received the Wilder Medal from the American Pomological Society. He co-authored a chapter with R. Kenneth Horst, Professor of Plant Pathology at Cornell, on diseases of lilies in North America, which appeared in the book Lilies, compiled by Patrick M. Synge, a world authority on lilies. In 1980 he received the Lytell Lily Cup from the Royal Horticultural Society of London for significant advancement of knowledge on breeding and cultivation of garden lilies. He was For his 85th birthday a fund-raising drive was kicked off by friends to obtain a natural area in his honor, to be known as the L. H. MacDaniels Botanical Sanctuary. To that end Allan H. and Pauline Bird Treman and Caroline Treman Cooley donated property to the University in the Coy Glen Gorge with instructions to keep their 90 acres forever wild, managing it only with suitable practices. The area had been used by Dr. MacDaniels and is now by others at the University to study its geological features, mosses, bryophytes, the American hackberry, scarlet oaks, lilies, orchids, and more than 380 other species of plants growing in its gorge that can be found on no other Cornell property. Prepared by Joan Isbell, Editor, Cornell Plantations and Carl F. Gortzig, Professor of Floriculture and Chair, Department of Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture, Cornell University BOOK REVIEWVoss, Edward G. Michigan Flora, Part II, Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae). Cranbrook Institute of Science Bulletin 59 and University of Michigan Herbarium, Bloomfield Hills, MI 1985. xix + 724 pages, illus. ISBN 87737-037-0. $12.50 (cloth). The subtitle to this book reads "A Guide to the Identification and Occurrence of the Native and Naturalized Seed-plants of the State." It provides this information by way of workable keys, distribution maps, and discussions of the range and habitat for about 1000 species. A glossary (revised for the dictos) is included, but only a part of the more extensive introductory material in his 1972 Monocot volume is repeated. Carefully chosen references to literature accompany many families and most generic treatments. The book will therefore be valuable solely as a reliable bibliographic source. The family sequence is that of Britton and Brown with the same range of families included as in vol. 2 of that series. Treatments of some families depart somewhat from those in standard regional floras, notably so for the Saxifragaceae complex. Voss has paid careful attention to nomenclatural and taxonomic problems and has considered difficulties caused by geographic variation, apomixis, and hybridization. Comments on nomenclature, taxonomy, economic use, or phytogeography accompany each species in a readable style. Users will benefit from a greater number and diversity of excellent line drawings as compared to volume 1. The only disappointment to many users will be the absence of at least a preliminary key to the dicot families. This will be presented with the second dicto volume. Because of the more extensive introductory material (and reasonable price), and those who do not own vol. 1 will want to purchase both books. Marvin L. Roberts Department of Botany BOOK REVIEWMcIntosh, Robert P.. The Background of Ecology. Cambridge Studies in Ecology, Cambridge University Press. 383 p. In this book, Or. McIntosh attempts to synthesize the development of the diverse set of scientific disciplines lumped under the term "ecology" into a single, coherent treatise, and succeeds beyond any reasonable expectation. The first several chapters over the antecedents and early development of ecology as a recognizable branch of life science. These chapters contain an exhaustive answer to three questions: Who said ecology first? Who really did ecological research Dr. McIntosh's sections on the development of community, population, and ecosystem ecology are clearly this books' strengths. These chapters should be required reading for beginning graduate students so that they understand how each of these branches of ecology arrived where they are today. Such an exercise would help young ecologists develop perspective and reduce the current trend towards reinventing old wheels. Though most experienced ecologists can probably pick through these chapters and find specific omissions, the strengths of the syntheses presented here certainly override any such omissions. McIntosh's consideration of the pros and cons of the I.B.P. program is particularly timely today as the L.T.E.R. programs continue to expand and we stand on the verge of a new global biogeophysical program. The chapter covering mathematical and theoretical approaches is noteworthy in its lack of a single equation. Dr. McIntosh seems to want to convey a message that mathematical approaches to ecology, especially those involving population genetics and evolutionary biology, are peripheral to progress in mainstream ecology. For example, in the final paragraph of that chapter, Dr. McIntosh concludes "there is also a desirable skepticism among field and experimental ecologists about the latest form of model or mathematics thrust upon them." The final chapter considers ecology in relation to the environmental movement. Though not as extensively documented as those preceding it, this chapter does consider ecology and ecologists in relation to society in some detail. As this is a younger and more diffuse aspect of ecology than those dealt with earlier, the relative lack of detail is understand-able. 6 A common judgment of many book reviews is that the volume belongs on every ecologist's bookshelf. Despite some shortcomings, this volume is not only a must for the ecologist's library, the perspectives to be gained by its reading should be part of every professional ecologist's training. Ralph E. J. Boerner Department of Botany BOOK REVIEWSimpson, Beryl B. and Molly Conner-Ogorzaly. Economic Botany: Plants in Our World. McGraw-Hill Books, Princeton Heightstown Rd., Heightstown, NJ, 1986. 640 pp., illus. ISBN 007-057443. Price $37.95. Economic botany as a discipline relates the products of plants (seeds, tubers, resins, etc.) to humanity from a utilitarian perspective. History, agriculture, systematics, genetics, morphology, chemistry, anthropology and economics all bear upon the subject. Simpson and 0gorzaly have skillfully and artfully woven together these multidisciplinary facets of economic botany into a single, manageable book that is well-organized, comparative, thorough, and both lucid and richly illustrated (over 525 illustrations, many of them original). Frankly, although intended as a collegiate text and bookshelf reference, I found this book delightful reading. The 607 pages of text commence with four introductory chapters reviewing plant morphology, chemistry, genetics, and the history of agriculture. Five chapters then address foodstuffs harvested from plants, grouped by part utilized (e.g. stem, fruit, etc.). Eight chapters follow with, logically, non-foodstuffs extracted from plants, grouped by use (e.g. spices and perfumes, fibers, medicinals). Throughout, the authors adhere to the standardized familial naming conventions of the various plant families (e.g. Poaceae rather than Graminae). The final chapters touch upon ornamentals, and the intertwined futures of plants and society. An index with over 5,000 entries completes the work. This text is timely from several perspectives. As the authors note in their preface, no other recent collegiate economic botany text is currently available. However, its relevance extends beyond the classroom. Human encroachment upon tropical ecosystems, ecosystems that have been wellsprings of plants useful to humanity, is fueling an extinction rate unprecedented since the Cretaceous. Our real future needs for these diverse tropical plant species are undeniably foreshadowed by our recent history of utilization, as documented so clearly by Simpson and Ogorzaly. Moreover, Western civilization seems dangerously dependent upon too few botanical food-stuffs, particularly among the grains (wheat, rice, corn). Globally, there exist diverse alternative or supplemental food crops with which we should be experimenting in earnest, such as grain amaranth. The authors' considerable foreign experience with such foodstuff diversity (Simpson, for one, is a South American biogeographer) lends a fresh credibility only available from first-hand experiences. Finally, by touring the reader through the aspects of agricultural and industrial production and refinement practices, and subsequent markets for plant products, this book enhances our appreciation for the roles plants play in our everyday urban lives that, for too many of us, are far removed from the farm and Earth itself. James H. Cane BOOK REVIEWCronshaw, J., W. J. Lucas and R. T. Giaquinta, Eds. Phloem Transport. A. R. Liss, Inc. New York, 1986. This volume is a compilation of 82 papers presented at the Third International Conference on Phloem Transport, held at the Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, August 18-23, 1985. The first of these international conferences on Phloem Transport was held at Banff, Alberta, Canada, August 18-29, 1974, and the second at Bad Grund, West Germany, July 16-20, 1979. Plans are now being developed for a fourth conference to be held in France (University of Poitier) in 1990 under the guidance of Professor Bonnemain. The 82 papers in this volume are grouped into five sections: Section I, Membrane Transport--Kinetic, Energetic, and Structural Aspects (27 papers); Section II, Phloem Unloading and Sink Metabolism (18 papers); Section III, Photoassimilates: Production and Allocation (23 papers); Section IV, Assimilate Partition and Yield (11 papers); and Section V, Xenobiotic Transport (4 papers). Participating in the conference were 150 scientists representing 13 different countries. Papers for the most part are well documented. Bibliographic citations are given with full title of the referenced paper. One of the important outcomes of the conference, as pointed out by the editors, was an increased recognition that the "structural and functional diversity, not only between plants but between tissues and individuals cells, was much greater than had been previously recognized...It is essential [therefore] that attention be paid to structural variation both between species and within cell populations in determining functional properties." The contributors to this volume and the editors are to be congratulated on the general level of excellence of this volume. C. A. Swanson BOOKS RECEIVEDAhmadjian, Vernon and Paracer, Surindar. Symbiosis: An Introduction to Biological Associations. Univer-sity Press of New England, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, 1986. xii + 212 p. illus. ISBN 0-87451-371- 5. Price: 32.50. Anderson, D. J. and Kikkawa, J. eds. Community Ecology: Pattern and Process. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94301. 1986. xi + 432 p. illus. ISBN 0-632-01063-0. Price $29.00 Andrews, J. The Texas Bluebonnet. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX, 1986. 61 p. illus. ISBN 0-292-70758-4. Price: $9.95. Archer, R. R. Growth Stresses and Strains in Trees. Springer-Verlag New York, 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ. 1986. x + 240 p. illus. ISBN 0-387-16406-5. Price: $110.00. Arms, K. and Camp, P. S. Biology. 3rd edition. CBS Educational and Professional Publishing, New York, NY. 1987. xxxi + 1142 p. iilus. ISBN 0-03-003644-5. Price: None Given. Bailey, J. A., ed. Biology and Molecular Biology of Plant-Pathogen Interactions. Springer-Verlay New York, 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ, 1986. x + 415 p. illus. ISBN 0-387-16799-4. Price: $97.90. 7 Balick, M. J. Systematics and Economic Botany of the Oenocarpus - Jessenia (Palmae Complex. New York Botanical Garden, Scientific Publications Department, Bronx, NY 10458, 1986. 148 p. illus. ISBN 0-89327-311-2. Price: $31.75. Begon, M., Harper, J. L. and Townsend, C. R. Ecology: Individuals, Populations and Communities. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Sunderland, MA. 1986 xii + 876 p. illus. ISBN 0-87893-051-5. Price: None Given. Berkeley, E. and Berkeley, D. S. A Yankee Botanist in the Carolinas. Gebruder Borntraeger Verlags-buchhandlung, Berlin, 1986. 242 p. ISBN 3-443-50005-6. Price: None Given. Blackmore, S. and Ferguson, I. K., eds. Pollen and Spores: Form and Function. Academic Press, Orlando, FL 32887. 1986. xvi + 443 p. illus. ISBN 0-12- 103460-7. Price: $92.50. Bold, H. C., Alexopoulos, C. J. and Deleloryas, T. Morphology of Plants and Fungi. 5th edition. Harper & Row Publishers, East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022. 1987. x + 912 p. illus. ISBN 0-06-040839-1. Price: None given. Brady, N. C., ed. Advances in Agronomy, vol. 38. Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, FL 32887, 1986. x + 375 p., illus. ISBN 0-12-000738-X. Price: $52.20. Brandon, R. N. and Burian, R. M., eds. Genes, Organisms, Populations: Controversies over the Units of Selection. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Cambridge, MA 02142. 1984. xiv + 329 p. ISBN 0-262-52115-6. Price: $10.95. Brown, D. H., ed. Lichen Physiology and Cell Biology. Plenum Press, Spring Street, New York, NY 10013. 1985. xi + 362 p. illus. ISBN 0-306-42200- X. Price: $59.50. Callea, F., Zorzi, M. and Desmet, V. J., eds. Viral Hepatitis. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094. 1986. viii + 110 p., illus. ISBN 0-387-16730-7. Price: $37.40. Chapman, A. R. O. Functional Diversity of Plantas in the Sea and on Land. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116. 1987. x + 197 p., illus. ISBN 0-86720-064-2. Price: Conn, Eric E., ed. The Shikimic Acid Pathway. Plenum Publishing Corporation, Spring Street, New York, NY 10013. 1986. viii + 347 p. illus. ISBN 0-306-42283-2. Price: $55.00. Delbruck, Max. Mind from Matter? Blackwell Scientific Publications, Palo Alto, CA 94303, 1986. ix + 290 p., illus. ISBN 0-86542-311-3. Price: None given. Dell, B., Hopkins, A. J. M. and Lamont, eds. Resilience in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems. Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Boston, MA. 1986. viii + 168 p. illus. ISBN 90-6193-579-2. Price: $73.00. Deshmuky, Ian. Ecology and Tropical Biology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc. Palo Alto, CA 94303. 1986. xii + 387 p., illus. ISBN 0-86542-314-4. Price: $24.95. Elzinga, Richard J. Fundamentals of Entomology. 3rd edition. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, 1987. viii + 456 p. illus. ISBN 0-13-338203-6. Price: None given. Ertter, B. The Juncustriformis complex. Vol. 39. New York Botanical Garden, Scientific Publications Department, Bronx, NY 10458. 1986. 96 p. illus. ISBN 0-89327-302-3. Price: $19.95. Friefelder, D. Molecular Biology. 2nd edition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 20 Park Plaza, Boston, MA. 1987. xxiv + 834 p. illus. ISBN 0-86720-069-3. Price: None given. Freidman, G. M. and Krumbein, W. E., eds. Hypersaline Ecosystems: The Gavish Sabkha. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, 1985. x + 484 p. illus. ISBN 0-387-15245-8. Price: $98.00. Futuyma, D. J. Evolutionary Biology. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, MA. 1986. xii + 600 p. illus. ISBN 0-87893-188-0. Price: None given. Govindjee, Amesz, Jan and Fork, David Charles. Light Emission by Plants and Bacteria. Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, FL 32887. 1986. xxi + 638 p., illus. ISBN 0-12-294310-4. Price: $85.00. Hailing, Roy E. An Annotated Index to Species and Infraspecific Taxa of Agricales and Boletales Described by William A. Murrill. vol. 40. New York Botanical Garden, Scientific Publications Department, Bronx, NY 10458. 1986. 125 p. ISBN 0-89327-306-6. Price: $21.70. Hopkins, H. C. and da Silva, M. F. Parkia (Leguminoae, Mimosideae). Dimorphandra (Caesalpiniaceae) New York Botanical Gardens, Scientific Publications Department, Bronx, NY 10458. 1986. 264 p. illus. ISBN 0-89327-309-0. Price: $48.10. Ingram, D. S. and Williams, P. H., eds. Advances in Plant Pathology. Vol. 5. Academic Press, 24 28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX. 1986. ix + 270 p. illus. ISBN 0-12-033705-3. Price: $59.50. Kahn, P. and Graf, T., eds. Oncogenes and Growth Control. Sringer-Verlag New York, 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ. 1986. xxi + 369 p. illus. ISBN 0-387-16839-7. Price: $69.50. Klein, Richard M. The Green World: An Introduction to Plants and People. Harper & Row, Publishers, East 53rd Street, New York, New York 10022, 1987. xiii + 610 p., illus. ISBN 0-06-043713-8. Price: None given. Kosuge, Tsune and Nester, Eugene W., eds. Plant-Microbe Interactions: Molecular and Genetic Perspectives, vol. 2. Macmillan Publishing Company, Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022. 1986. xii + 448 p., illus. ISBN 0-02-947990-8. Price: $40.00. Lawlor, D. W. Photosynthesis: Metabolism, Control and Physiology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Third Avenue, NY 10158. 1987. viii + 262 p., illus. ISBN 0-582-44633-3. Price: $39.95. Lawson, George W., ed. Plant Ecology in West Africa: Systems and Processes. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., One Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08873. 1986. xviii + 357 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-90364-7. Price: $74.95. Leopold, A. C., ed. Membranes, Metabolism, and Dry Organisms. Cornell University Press, 124 Roberts Place, Ithaca, NY. 1986. 374 p. illus. ISBN 0-8014- 1979-4. Price: $45.00. Linskens, H. F. and Jackson, J. F., eds. Immunology in Plant Sciences. Springer-Verlag New York, 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ. 1986. xviii + 263 p. illus. ISBN 0-387-16842-7. Price: $79.50. 8 |